Friday, June 7, 2019

Body-Adapted Wearable Electronics Essay Example for Free

Body-Adapted Wear fitting Electronics EssayThe field of proboscis-adapted electronics has been around for quite some(a) time. People have been wearing calculator watches, mobile phones, music players, ear phones and the like for many years now. I was intrigued by the new ideas that have true within the last a few(prenominal) years in the way of health monitoring devices.There is a wristband avail able-bodied for you to monitor your exercise, health, behavior, and blood pressure. It helps you to run into your exercise and sleep patterns. Also out there for you to detect your blood pressure are ear buds. Some of the health monitoring devices are able to be embedded under your skin or worn as a tiny patch under clothing. The sensors provide feedback for you or your doctor to footpath your vital statistics. The vital measures include heart rate, muscle tone, body temperature, sweat, motion and the amount of oxygen in your system. The environmental measures include location, ill umination, ambient temperature, humidity, toxicity.A body posture detection sensor is worn to determine whether a person is exercising or performing a sport correctly. Along with this device, another foot provide calculations of how many calories you have consumed, or your average speed and distance. This allows you to get the best performance in what you are attempting. For those suffering chronic disease or pain management, their doctor pass on be able to receive real-time information about the persons health, so as to be able to prescribe medications properly.Alerts systems can be applied for drivers on the road to inform them of dozing off at the wheel. Fire-fighters have a polo shirt with sensors that collects their vital signs, so supervisors will know when to get them out of a disastrous situation.The Eye Tap, which is worn in front of the eye, or Smartglasses are for wearers to physical exertion as a photographic camera or to view computer imagery, is world explored as a tool for people with visual disabilities to have the information directedto parts of their retina that does not range well. Google Glass has been using them since 2013 in operating rooms, ambulances, trauma helicopters, doctors offices, and also for the visually impaired on public transportation. It is also being used in several(prenominal) countries during operations, to broadcast the actual surgery to other locations, and on TV, for many doctors to be able to watch how the procedure is being performed. In Australia, the Small World accessible Breastfeeding Support Project created the first hands-free breastfeeding application for new mothers. Wearing the Google Glass, the mothers call a consultant to have any questions they might have, answered. In a few months, 100% of the mothers were breastfeeding with confidence.Several more emerging technologies are currently being developed. A brain-computer interface, for people with disabilities who can type by controlling their brain waves, and eventually being able to operate wheelchairs using only their thoughts. The Haptic shoe soles, using sense of touch feedback and GPS technology, these soles will give the blind wearer vibrations to tell them when to turn or lift their feet via a voice-programmed app that reads GPS maps planned routes. The soles have sensors to let the wearer know when to stop, and read the walkers gestures, example, two taps means take me home.All of these new products are a great advantage for the medical, health, and disability fields. Along with them goes the disadvantages, until everything can be worked out. The trials that are necessary in order to make sure the products are fit for use is the biggest hurdle. Sensors miss firing wrong data being sent and received expertise needed around the eyes missed directions for the blind walkers battery-life needing to be elongated the cost of research and development and of purchase and the right to privacy are all issues that need to be addr essed. Wrong dataREFERENCESBody-Adapted Wearable Electronic by Dysheanna Franklin on Prezi http// Interview Whats the future for wearable technology? http// ITEA3 Improving the quality of everyday life throughwearable computers http// Top 10 emerging technologies for 2014 http// Wearable computer-Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http//

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