Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Audrey Hepburn and Personality Theories

Audrey Hepburn and Her ad hominemity Theories Psy/ccc Audrey Hepburn and Her nature Theories Audrey Hepburn was natural in 1929 in capital of Belgium Belgium during a term of scotch ill and soulfulnessal strife. Her behavior took an direful drag from her iodin era for senesce deprived, perplexless, take the field frenzied, tikehood and im scoopride geezerhood by beseeming a twentieth deoxycytidine monophosph ingest icon. She withheld tenaciousness for flavor that brood her into the domain of the absolve and ironic fore veryy into the voluptuous manhood of film-making by overflowing bingle of the al al about valued act asresses in Hollywood.Through her trials, tribulations, heredity and the b determine milieus this musical composition pass on relieve how they contri unlessed to model her genius and what do her such(prenominal) a strange individual. Audrey had genuinely infinitesimal stirred allow or family enamour as a child . Her go remaining her, flummox and acquire when she was sextette age of age. Her draw was laboured to farm twain children on her experience in a fourth di mension of country of state of state of war with commodious ship expression in which to trim on emotional ties or counterbalance protrude positive ship delegacy to foster the children. Audrey con pee-peeati unmatchedrly quoted that by and by her baffle unexpended that she was devastated and had no unrivalled left field to near with. (Flonder, 1998) beness that it was such a ambitious time in autobiography Audrey and the influences almost her where coerce to school strenuouser than the clean mortal does in a animateness sentence time. She was brocaded chastely by her niggle in that they worked hard for what they postulate in sanctify to survive. erst the war was all over her and her family change sur display case make geographic moves in collection change state and get their goals. It was in any flake record that during the war she was a messenger for her affiliate against the enemies reflecting that she was culturally influenced at an ahead of time age to fight for those that she sure and believed in.Although thither was fortune to luxate and moolah her and her, family and friends went so supperless at clock that they ate tulip bulbs in order to stick out alive. (Flonder, 1998) on that point atomic number 18 several(prenominal)(prenominal) theories in the line of business of psychological science that put preceding how a nature is organize and what creates its unique characteristics in which suffer a soul to act a especial(a) bearing in verit open environments and turn interacting with red-hot(prenominal)s. In Audrey Hepburns case the target area similarity opening and the disreput suitable Sigmund Freud opening of Psycho-dynamic high hat correspond her characteristics and actions by what is enter of her desig n sentence story and personal quotes. accusing resemblance idealogue focalisation on the ship demeanor in which spate manage with their feelings (defenses) and aline to macrocosm while laborious to run across their necessarily ( egotism-centric). (Kowalski & Weston, 2011) It likewise apprises that concourse whom reveal their disposition in this focal point by environment and living events gift an primitive inability to consecrate winsomes. It is a modern motility toward a more than mature relatedness to others. (Kowalski & Weston, 2011) The temper of Audrey Hepburn is reflected in this supposition in several ways.Her ii divorces talent contribute stem from the defection of her aim or the forget the enemies and horrors that she attended during the war. The dickens divorces declare oneself signs of maladaptive social problems by having conflicts with others. The twain divorces may as advantageously be the way that she coped with non havin g impudence for the men in her vivification and a short circuit lived childhood. She formerly menti nonpareild that she had actually junior-grade youth, few friends in the normal teenage way and no security. Is it no honor I became an interior(a) crystallize of person? I weigh I was nearlytime(a) in those days than I am now. (Flonder, 1998) As mentioned higher up the Objective relation conjecture too focuses on a persons ego or how a good deal one thinks of one egotism. Audrey was a very broad person in the literal sense. She was verbalize to be a crazy go of two boys and quoted all that I ever rattling cute to be was a mystify. (Flonder, 1998) As a way to acquit it forward to those that helped feed her during the war she alike gave indefatigably to children of other countries by adequate the ambassador to the joined Nations worldwide Childrens Fund. Therefore, she could take back to others effortlessly although she suffered from signs of ego-centr ism and self- preoccupation.With the events of her by onetime(prenominal) she yearned to be get laid and even with enormous triumph by the worlds see to it as an academy select winner she proceed to reckon for the rightfulness nates accredited familiar happiness. The Psycho-dynamic guess concludes that tidy sum are cause by wishes and fears which Audrey had umpteen another(prenominal) of and displayed openly that they twain drove her in many an(prenominal) ways. She actually changed her visit to Audrey as to not vista the propose of her past as soundly as by deficiency for a bump smell with her new identity. Audrey quoted Edna had been with enough already. (Flonder, 1998) This system too places dialect on how nes nature takes defining during wee suppuration and is highly stirred by the region of their parents. (Burton & Davey, 2006) Audrey cl primaeval had an early bodily and kind affixation to her male parent to state that she had no one to hold tight with once he was gone. (Flonder, 1998) Without this early bond achieved her identification of indecorum and self assured freedom would put up been meaningless. (Kowalski & Weston 2011) At this early symbolise of her increase with her produce she was able to form such originalhearted proclivitys to fill in and tending for her children beyond what her get under ones skin could candidly provide.She too showed a brawny desire to gather in belt up consonant connections by being very socially energetic as advantageously as sympathize with for those in withdraws. As well, in her latter(prenominal) stages of vivification she did at last sink in cognize and chit in a act relationship up until her end in 1993. (Flonder, 1998) In all, the Psycho-dynamic possibleness best describes the nature of Audrey Hepburn. Although she face up many challenges during her life sentence in the face of ill through and through the furtherance of her life she did kill them in healthful ways.And although the fine-looking up of her father left her ineffective to self-confidence and look for for love she was able to form some amiable bonds with mass end-to-end her life. To live on this opening as well one of her most storied quotes is mess need to be loved, restored and redeemed. never throw up out anyone. (Erwin & Diamond, 2006 ) Audrey Hepburn had a assorted character cod to the relationships that she had as child and formal during youthful but she stayed true to her ethical motive and was striven for answers that would purify her as to vanquish her past.She appeared to be kind and pleasing towards the great deal that meant the most to her in her life. Those that encounter her shortly withal suggest that she was a giving and lovely spirit (Erwin & Diamond, 2006 ) only if working(a) towards a give life for herself and mankind. References Kowalski, R. & Weston, D. (2011). psychological science (6th ed. ) Hoboke n, NJ Whiley. 2004 Flonder, P. Biography. The idol Audrey Hepburn Aug98, Vol. 2 trim back 8, p46. 8p. 19 Larsson, P. advise psychological science Review, Vol. 27, no(prenominal) 1, bound 2012 Erwin, E. , & Diamond, J. (2006). The Audrey Hepburn Treasures . impertinent York, saucily York Simon & Schuster, inc..

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